Southwest University



2020 Chinese Bridge Online Exchange Program of Confucius Classroom at Srinakorn School


Project introduction: This winter camp is organized around the cultural theme of "Attractive Chinese Bridge builds a bright future". Through learning Chinese courses, you can not only experience traditional Chinese culture and daily life of Chinese people, but also watch videos of Chinese natural attractions。Through online learning and online interactive activities, such as dialogue, participation, situation, salon lectures and other interactive communication methods, the winter camp shows a concrete, true and attractive China to international Chinese lovers. At the same time, we should improve their objective, comprehensive and direct understanding of China, improve their Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing ability and make them have a good impression of "cultural China".

此次冬令营围绕“缤纷汉语桥  筑梦未来行”这一文化主题展开,通过学习汉语课程,体验中国传统文化、中国百姓日常生活,观摩中国自然名胜视频等方式以及在线交流学习、线上互动活动,如对话、参与,情境、沙龙讲座等互动交流和云游活动方式,向国际中文爱好者展示一个具体、真实、丰富的中国,提升他们对中国客观、全面、直接的认识,全方位提高学生汉语听说读写能力和文化中国的美好印象。

Courses 课程

General Courses 通用课程