Northeast Normal University


The Chinese nation has the courage to pursue dreams and the ancient myth of China expresses the beautiful fantasy of the sun, the moon and the stars. Nowadays, China’s space industry is developing constantly, from the innovation of “two bombs and one satellite” to the victory of “Tiangong” and “Chang’e” lunar probe, to the direction of “Beidou Navigation” and the successful launch of “Long March Five”. China’s exploration of space is ceaseless. With the development of times and further understanding, China Aerospace has attract attention of the world. We can learn about China’s space spirit, space history, astronauts and space knowledge from the perspective of Chinese language learning. From understanding traditional myths to modern science popularization, Not only can we introduce the realization process of “Tiangong Dream” to Chinese lovers, but you can also learn about the ancient myths of China and feel the lofty aspirations of Chinese people to “bring down the moon from the ninth heaven”.

中华民族是勇于追梦的民族,中国神话中就有表达出对日月星辉的美好幻想。今天的中国航天事业不断发展,从“两弹一星"的伟大创举, 到“天宫"揽胜、“嫦娥"奔月,再到“北斗"指路、“长五"飞天…… 中国对太空的探索从未止步。随着时代的发展和认识的深化,中国航天获得全球的瞩目。从汉语言学习的角度了解中国航天精神、航天历程、航天人物、航天小知识;从了解传统神话到进行现代科普,不仅能向中文爱好者们介绍“天宫梦"实现过程,还可以了解中国神话故事、感受中国人“敢于九天揽月"的豪情壮志。

Experiences 学习心得

General Courses 通用课程