Dalian University of Foreign Languages



This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. To commemorate it and follow the theme “Learn Chinese, visit Dalian”, various activities such as webcasts and cultural lectures are scheduled to demonstrate Dalian’s glorious history, rapid development and glamorous culture, thus depicting a clearer picture about China’s impressive gains as forging ahead under the Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. To be noted, webcasts on language basics are available sources to master most fundamental and commonly used Chinese expressions, further towards a larger vocabulary, better communication skills and greater interest. Moreover, high-quality videos of Dalian’s landscape, people and features are also prepared as cultural lecture materials. Based on Dalian’s development, this part is to show a true modern China. With above-mentioned details on history, natural environment, technologies and industries, international students can better understand Chinese-style urban development in “Chinese stories” through “Chinese voices”.

本项目承中国共产党建党100周年之契机,以“学汉语 逛大连”为主题,拟采用网络直播授课、文化讲座等方式,让学生在深入感受美丽大连的历史积淀、建设成果和文化魅力的同时,领悟今日之中国在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的指导下改革创新、锐意进取所取得的丰硕成果。



General Courses 通用课程