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Songshan Shaolin Wushu College


Songshan Shaolin Wushu College



As a private school approved by the Henan Provincial Government and put on records at the Ministry of Education in 2004, Songshan Shaolin Wushu College (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) is founded by Mr. Liu Baoshan, an outstanding inheritor of Chinese folk culture with the 9th degree in Chinese martial arts. The Institute is a prominent school featuring the culture of martial arts, a national shaolin martial arts platform for promoting the Chinese language internationally, a source of specialists for Henan’s cultural reform and development, a place for carrying forward the Chinese excellent traditional culture in Henan, a typical vocational school in the province, and a role model for running school by law in the province.

学院坐落在世界功夫之都、中国优秀旅游城市登封市,位于中华文化圣山嵩山南麓,毗邻 207 国道、郑少洛高速和郑登快速通道,交通便利,环境优美,文化底蕴丰厚。学院现有两个校区,总占地面积 1687.62 亩,拥有完善的教学生活设施和素质优良的双师型师资队伍。

Located in the city of Dengfeng, the world’s capital of kung fu and the well-known tourist city in China, the Institute is nestled in the southern foothills of Mount Song, the sacred mountain in the history of the Chinese culture, next to the National Highway No. 207, the Zhengzhou-Shaolinsi-Luoyang Highway, and the Zhengzhou-Dengfeng Fast Lane, providing an easy access to transport. Boasting a beautiful environment and a rich culture, it has two campuses covering a combined area of 1687.62 mu (or 112.508 hectares), a diverse range of facilities for teaching and recreational purposes, and a team of superior double-capability teachers.

学院自 2007 年以来先后与华北水利水电大学、河南中医药大学、郑州大学开展联办本科项目。学院现有 10 个系(部), 40 余个本、专科专业(方向),其中,省级品牌专业 10个、省级综合改革试点专业 4 个、省市级示范实训基地 2 个、市级重点特(急需)专业2 个、市级优秀教学团队 1 个、市级精品课程 2 门。

The college has delivered joint undergraduate programmes with North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Henan University of Chinese Medicine, and Zhengzhou University since 2007. It has 10 departments and offers over 40 undergraduate and junior-college fields of study, of which 10 provincially famed, 4 are in a pilot programme as part of the provincial general reform, 2 are exemplary at the provincial and municipal levels in practical training, 1 has an excellent municipal-level teaching team, and 2 offer excellent courses at the municipal level.

学院坚持“武术为根、文化为魂、育人为本”的办学理念,坚持“立足河南、辐射全国、走向世界”的办学定位,以应用型人才培养为中心,以武术教育产业、武术文化产业、健康服务产业和国防与安全领域为四个服务方向,实施“专业 + 武术 + 外语等通识课程”的复合型人才培养模式,探索校企合作、文武融合、工学结合、知行合一的人才培养路径,不断深化教育教学改革,培养德智体美全面发展的高素质、复合型技术技能人才,学院每年向孔子学院、部队和地方输送大批人才,毕业生以文武双全、德艺俱佳的口碑深受用人单位欢迎和好评 , 毕业生就业率达到 95% 以上。

The college follows the principle of educating students based on martial arts and culture, positions itself as a Henan-based school extending its reach into the rest of China and beyond, focuses on application-oriented academic development, contributes to the martial arts education and culture, health services, and national defense and security areas, implements the model of developing versatile talents with “specialty + martial arts + general courses (e.g. foreign languages)”, explores school-business cooperation, physical-mental exercise integration, work-study combination, and learning-practice unity as pathways to academic development, deepens educational and teaching reforms, and strive to develop high-quality and versatile specialists of all-round development. It contributes a large number of excellent graduates to Confucius Institutes, the military, and local job markets on an annual basis, who have won acclaim for their great physical and mental expertise and morality. Over 95% of its graduates are employed each year.

学院以武术为特色,以汉语国际推广少林武术基地为依托,积极开展丰富多彩的对外文化交流活动。截至 2019年 10月,学院已经成功承办了 15 届国际学生汉语武术夏令营(秋令营)、接待了 30 余批国(境)外校长团(代表团),数千名来自英国、澳大利亚等 15 个国家和地区的校长和师生来校交流学习;先后向美国、泰国等 17 个国家外派汉语及武术教师 500 余人次;陆续编写了《快乐武术学汉语(中英文对照)》(共 12 册)、《传统少林武术套路集成(中英文对照)》等一系列武术文化著作;学院“武林汉韵”巡演团先后随国家主席习近平等国家领导人和教育部、国家汉办等部委领导到联合国总部以及意大利、日本等 14 个国家和地区开展武术文化巡演,受众百万余人,曾被评为 2013 年第八届全球孔子学院大会优秀办学案例之特色文化活动品牌,成为 2013 河南涉外涉侨十件大事之一;学院师生与集团学员一起多次参加奥运会、青奥会、亚运会等开闭幕式表演活动,先后 15 年参加中央电视台春节晚会。学院以武术为特色的文化交流活动已成为河南省和国家对外交往的一张名片, 2017 年 4 月,学院与美国亚利桑那大学共建的全球孔子学院首家“中国武术中心”的顺利揭牌;9月与坦桑尼亚签署教育项目合作意向书等又为我们提供了新的平台。

With martial arts as its unique offering and the task to promote the Chinese language internationally, the College has conducted a diverse range of external cultural exchanges. As of October 2019, it has organized 15 Chinese language and martial arts summer/autumn camps for international students, received over 30 foreign delegations led by headmasters, conducted academic exchanges with several thousand headmasters and teachers who came to the College from 15 countries and regions including the UK and Australia; sent over 500 Chinese language and martial arts teachers to 17 countries including the US and Thailand; published a series of books related to the culture of martial arts, such as Chinese Language Studies Through Ecstatic Kungfu (Chinese/English) (12 volumes) and A Compendium of Traditional Shaolin-Style Martial Arts (A Bilingual Chinese-English Edition); dispatched a performance team on a visit with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other national leaders as well as leaders from the Ministry of Education and the Hanban to the headquarters of the United Nations and 14 countries and regions including Italy and Japan for a tour of cultural performances of martial arts watched by over a million people, which was rated as a characteristic cultural activity brand in running school at the 8th Global Confucius Institute Conference in 2013, making it one of the top 10 events featuring external exchanges and overseas Chinese in Henan in 2013; and dispatched its teachers and students along with the trainees of Shaolin Tagou Education Group to participate in the performances for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games, and the Asian Games, and in the Spring Festival Gala for 15 years. Its cultural exchanges featuring martial arts have become a brand of communication of Henan and China with the rest of the world. In April 2017, with the joint efforts of the Institute and the University of Arizona in the US, a Chinese martial arts center, the first of its kind across Confucius Institutes globally, was inaugurated. And in September the same year, it sign a letter of intent on educational cooperation with Tanzania, offering the Institute another platform.


The College has been awarded multiple honours, such as the Outstanding Private School in Henan, the Most Employment-competitive School in Henan, the Well-performed Organization in Henan’s Private Education System, the Well-performed Organization in Private Education in Henan, the Law-based School Running Demonstration College in Henan, the Well-performed Organization in School Security in the Education System, one of the top 10 organizations in Zhengzhou’s private education, the Well-performed Organization in Social Activities for College and Secondary School Students in Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou Non-heresy Demonstration Organization, and Fastest-growing School of Henan.


The College will continue to follow the principle of educating students based on martial arts and culture, implement the strategy of running school with moral education, high quality, academic development, and unique features, and foster characteristic and international perspectives, in a bid to turn it into an open and application-oriented institute based in Henan yet with the vision to go global!