物流之都-体育产业发展 - 临沂大学 - “沂”览古今“韵”动琅琊 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Learning History and Current Status, Doing Sports in Linyi


Capital of logistics: sports industry development


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Linyi City is awarded as the "Capital of Logistics of China". Linyi is located at the junction area of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Area and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Economic Area, the core pivot of the great north-south channel in eastern China, and the core district of the east bridgehead of the Eurasian Continental Bridge. It is the largest market cluster and collecting and distributing center of commodities in northern China. The established sports industry system has reasonable layout, prominent characteristics, significant advantages, abundant sports products and services, great consumer demand of sports. The total market scale of the sports industry exceeds 40 billion yuan, and there are 3834 markets of the sports industry, including Landsonsport, Yingjiante, Looks, Aoqiang and other famous enterprises' brands.

临沂市被授予 “中国物流之都”。临沂地处长三角经济圈与京津唐经济圈结合点、中国东部南北大通道中心枢纽、亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡的核心区域,是中国北方最大的市场集群和商品集散中心。体育产业体系建立布局合理、特色突出、优势明显的,体育产品和服务丰富,体育消费需求旺盛,体育产业总规模超过400亿元,全市体育产业市场3834个,有连胜体育、英健特、路克士、奥强体育等知名企业品牌。

General Courses 通用课程