琳琅满目——学满族技艺、赏满族文化 - 大连外国语大学 - 琳琅满目——学满族技艺、赏满族文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

A wide range of Manchu products——Learning Manchu skills and appreciating Manchu culture


A wide range of Manchu products——Learning Manchu skills and appreciating Manchu culture


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course will guide students to understand the relevant regional folk characteristics and guide students to embrace the cultural heritage through the Manchu Culture Museum. Manchu culture is an excellent cultural heritage of the Chinese people, and there are still a lot of masterpieces and fine works in the folklore, which need to be excavated, collected, organized and studied. Students will learn the art of paper cutting and the making of coiled buckles and ornaments, and each student will make 1-2 pieces of relevant works at the end of the course and make their own video collection.

课程会引导学生了解相关的地域民俗特色,通过满族文化博物馆,感受文化传承。满族文化是中华民族优秀的文化遗产, 至今在民间仍保留着大量佳作和精品,急待我们去挖掘、收集、整理和研究。课程引导学生学习盘扣、饰品的制作及剪纸技艺,课程结束每位学生制作相关作品1-2件,并制作成视频合集。

General Courses 通用课程