第七讲 古籍数字化志愿服务 - 天津外国语大学 - 天津外国语大学2022年“汉语桥“线上项目——中文古籍保护 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Preservations of Chinese Ancient Books,“Chinese Bridge”Program Online 2022 Tianjin Foreign Studies University


Lecture 7 Volunteer Service for Ancient Book Digitization

第七讲 古籍数字化志愿服务

Course Syllabus 课程章节


Ancient Book Digitization requires a lot of people to do much fundamental work like data collection. It took the Palace Museum. In November 2020, the Library of TFSU launched a public good project to salvage special collections of ancient books by digitization on a zero budget, injecting new vitality into these dormant volumes. In 2021, 1,730 volunteers accumulated a total of 12,530 service hours, electronizing 1,200,000 pages of special collections of ancient books. I’d like to share with you the ever-increasing close ties between the Library and the volunteers bound by special collections of ancient books.

古籍数字化工作,需要大量的人力去完成大量的数据采集等基础性工作。2020年11月天津外国语大学图书馆以零预算启动特别馆藏数字化抢救公益项目,将古籍特藏“电子信息化”,实现了沉睡的古籍“活起来”。 2021年1730名志愿服务者,全年参加志愿服务累计12530小时,完成1200000页特藏古籍电子信息化。本课程与大家分享可爱的志愿者们与图书馆之间,被古籍特藏所串联起来,日渐密切的温暖连结

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