不可忽略的line——常见的经络推拿及脏腑功能调理 - 广东外语外贸大学 - 面向南太平洋岛国地区中文学习者的“中医药文化传播”线上课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Online course of “cultural communication of TCM” for Chinese learners in South Pacific island countries and regions.


Not-negligible line - massage on common body meridians and conditioning of viscera functions


Course Syllabus 课程章节


According to the geography, climate, food and cultural characteristics of South Pacific island countries, residents’ body constitution, common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases, this course will elaborate on the body meridians and introduce the circulation, efficacy and application of them, such as tapping on the Gallbladder Channel of Foot Shaoyang to promote digestion, pediatric massage on the Urinary Bladder Channel of Foot-Taiyang to enhance physical fitness, and massage with essential oils on the neck part of the Urinary Bladder Channel of Foot-Taiyang to treat the first phase of anemofrigid cold. Through simple and easy-to-learn TCM techniques, this course will help residents improve their self-care.


General Courses 通用课程