第三章 习茶技艺 - 沈阳师范大学 - 沈阳师范大学“汉语桥”线上团组学习中国汉字•感受中华茶韵——中国茶文化 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Chinese Bridge Delegation Online, SYNU Learning Chinese characters,experiencing Chinese tea—— Chinese tea culture


Tea-brewing Techniques

第三章 习茶技艺

Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course totally composes of 11 episodes that introduces the procedures of preparing Chinese tea, among which 8 episodes are about the methods of brewing tea, 2 episodes about boiling tea and 1 about tea whisking. Brewing tea:Tea-brewing with glass, covered-bowl, teapot, bowl, covered-bowl, Oolong tea-brewing with aroma-smelling cups、Oolong tea-brewing with double teapots and aroma-smelling cups, Chaoshan Oolong Tea-brewing with teapot. Boiling tea: Tea-brewing with heating teapot and heating bowl. Dian Cha(Tea-whisking)

《习茶技艺》该课程展示了中国茶艺的泡茶程序,共11节,冲泡法8节,内容为杯泡法、盖碗泡法 、壶泡法 、碗泡法、盖碗杯泡法、乌龙茶小壶双杯泡法、乌龙茶双壶双杯泡法、潮汕乌龙茶泡法;煮茶法2节,内容为壶煮茶法、碗煮茶法;点茶法1节。《习茶技艺》展现了中国茶艺之美,演示了中国茶的不同饮用方法。通过欣赏茶艺展示,认识中国茶,学习每种茶的冲泡方法。通过形象化的茶艺呈现,把欣赏者带入茶之意境中。

General Courses 通用课程