宋韵记忆——宋代生活轻体验 - 大连外国语大学 - 穿越千年的风雅——宋代文化生活漫品 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Through the Elegance Thousand Years Ago — Roaming in the Cultural Life in the Song Dynasty


Memory of the Song Charm- A Taste of the Song Lifestyle


Course Syllabus 课程章节


At Dalian Huaxia Culture Museum, people can enjoy a dream journey with the theme of Song Dynasty culture. Instructorswearing Song dynasty costumes will guide the viewers to experience the cultural life at lanes, tea houses and shooting houses, and participate in the traditional activities such as tasting tea, blending flavor and casting, having across-time-and-space exchanges with sages.


General Courses 通用课程