当代中国5-中国的教育改革 - 河北经贸大学 - 2022年“汉语桥”——非洲“走近当代中国,促进中非务实合作”线上团组交流项目课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge”—Online Training Program of”Closer to Modern China, Promote Practical Cooperation between China and African Countries " for Africa 2022


Modern China 5-Education Reform in China


Course Syllabus 课程章节


In recent years, China's education level has been rising rapidly, and China has also increased its funding for education. On the one hand, China has made great efforts to promote fairness in education. On the other hand, China has made great efforts to improve quality. China has gradually formed a theoretical system, teaching style and practical wisdom with Chinese characteristics represented by quality-oriented education. After the reform and opening up, China's higher education experienced the historical process from the elite education to the popular education. In China's education system, the universities have the task to cultivate talents, and it also undertake the important mission of scientific research and innovation.


General Courses 通用课程