读懂丝绸里的中国 - 北京体育大学 - “心心相融,爱达未来” ——亚运会文化体验之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Heart to Heart,@Future” -Asian Games Cultural Experience Tour

“心心相融,爱达未来” ——亚运会文化体验之旅

Understanding China from Silk


Course Syllabus 课程章节


China is the birthplace of silk, with a production history of more than 5,000 years. Silk is a symbol of ancient Chinese culture. Chinese silk is well-known for its excellent quality, exquisite color and rich cultural connotation worldwide. Silk is the "golden calling card" of Hangzhou's history and culture. The production and artistic style of Hangzhou silk reached certain heights in the Song Dynasty, and it was then that Hangzhou became the "Home of Silk". It can be said that Song Dynasty culture and silk culture existed in reliance on each other and supplemented each other. The upcoming Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 will not only be a sporting event but also a cultural event to showcase beautiful Chinese silk to the world .

中国是丝绸的发源地,距今有5000多年的历史。丝绸是中国古老文化的象征,中国丝绸以其卓越的品质、精美的花色和丰富的文化内涵闻名于世。丝绸是杭州的历史文化“金名片”,在宋代,杭州丝绸的产量与艺术风格均达到一定高度,可谓开历史之先河,也就是在那时,杭州成为“丝绸之府”。 可以说,宋韵文化与丝绸文化共生共依,互为表里。即将召开的杭州亚运会不仅是一场体育盛会,也是一场文化盛会,以丝为媒,向世界展示中国丝绸之美。

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