亚运会新增项目——霹雳舞 - 北京体育大学 - “心心相融,爱达未来” ——亚运会文化体验之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Heart to Heart,@Future” -Asian Games Cultural Experience Tour

“心心相融,爱达未来” ——亚运会文化体验之旅

New Sport of Asian Games - Breaking


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Breaking is also very influential in the world, attracting a large number of young people. As a form of dance sport, breaking absorbs elements and movements from different sports and art forms such as Capoeira, gymnastics, and Chinese martial arts, synthesizes professional skills such as coordination, strength, choreography, and creativity, and embodies street dance elements such as vitality, display, strength, balance, and trendiness, being extremely enjoyable. Like gymnastics moves, a large number of moves in breaking can be standardized for grading, therefore, it has stood out among numerous dances.

霹雳舞在世界的影响力也很大,如今有大量的年轻人是霹雳舞的拥趸。霹雳舞属“体育舞蹈”, 霹雳舞吸收了巴西战舞、体操、中国武术等不同体育及艺术形式的元素和动作,综合了协调、力量、舞美、创意等专业技巧,体现了活力、张扬、力量、平衡、潮流等街舞元素,观赏性极高。同时,舞蹈中大量的动作可以标准化,能像体操的动作那样打分,因此在众多舞蹈中脱颖而出。

General Courses 通用课程