舌尖非遗--胶东饽饽 - 山东师范大学 - 中非手牵手 儒韵看齐鲁 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

中非手牵手 儒韵看齐鲁

中非手牵手 儒韵看齐鲁

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Food--Jiaodong Cake


Course Syllabus 课程章节


"Knead the dough into the shape of a swallow, then cut out the tail and mouth of the swallow ..." . Jiaodong pasty is an indispensable folk food for festivals in Jiaodong area, carrying people's yearning for a better life. Let's learn about the intangible cultural heritage on the tip of our tongue-- better looking and delicious Jiaodong pasty!


General Courses 通用课程