中国书法艺术 - 陕西理工大学 - 陕西理工大学“汉语桥——汉文化感知体验”线上团组交流项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese-Bridge-Experience of Chinese Culture” Online Exchange Program from Shanxi University of Technology


Chinese Calligraphy


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese Calligraphy takes Chinese calligraphy as the research object, puts it in the background of Chinese traditional culture, takes students' development as the foundation and the “1235” model as the basic idea of course construction: that is, Chinese character font evolves into a basic clue, calligraphy theory and calligraphy techniques are the core, and brushwork, handwriting and composition are the three focal points, so that students can fully understand and master five kinds of calligraphy: seal script, official script, formal script, cursive script etc. To enable students to master the preliminary skills of shaping beautiful Chinese characters, so that students can understand the advanced culture of Chinese calligraphy.


General Courses 通用课程