“传承 超越——双奥之路中华体育文化展 - 北京语言大学 - 2021年“中埃文明的历史与今天”线上交流营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese and Egyptian Civilizations: Then and Now” Online Exchange Camp 2021


“Inheritance and Transcendence – Embarking on the Road of Dual Olympics City-- Chinese Sports Culture Exhibition

“传承 超越——双奥之路中华体育文化展

Course Syllabus 课程章节


This video shows the development of the Chinese sports from ancient times to the present. It is divided into three parts, including “Chinese sports with a time-honored and profound history”, “embarking on the Olympics Journey to further rejuvenate China” and “Dual Olympic City attracts global attention”. The first part shows relics of the ancient sports, by vividly telling the stories of Chinese sports such as archery, Cuju (an ancient Chinese football game) and Weiqi (the game of go). The second part presents the torches, medals and representative equipment of athletes of the previous Winter Olympics. The third part displays the torches, medals, witnesses of Olympics bidding and other articles by focusing on the sports culture deeply rooted in the fertile soil of China traditional culture for 5,000 years. It vividly tells the stories of Chinese sports such as archery, riding, Cuju, Chuiwan (China Ancient Golf), Weiqi (the game of go), Shuixi(water games), and Baixi(all performing arts), which conveys the spirit of Chinese sportsmanship, and demonstrates the profound connotation and unique charm of Chinese sports culture.

本节视频展示了中国体育从古至今的发展脉络,分为“华夏体育 源远流长”“振兴中华 奥运征程”“双奥之城 举世瞩目”三个部分。第一部分展出古代体育文物,生动讲述射箭、蹴鞠、围棋等中国体育故事;第二部分展示历届奥运会火炬、奖牌、运动员代表性装备等;第三部分展示历届冬奥会火炬、奖牌、申办见证物等,集中展示了厚植于中华五千年传统文化沃土之中的体育文化,生动讲述射箭、骑御、蹴鞠、捶丸、围棋、水戏、百戏等中国体育故事,传递中华体育精神,彰显中华体育文化的深厚内涵和别样魅力。

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