旅游汉语 - 烟台职业学院 - 踏上“汉语桥”,开启“中文+中国制造”文化体验之旅 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Step on the Chinese Bridge to experience the culture of “Chinese + Made in China”


Travel in Chinese


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Yantai, a coastal city in eastern China, is a flowing landscape painting,and meanwhile a thick cultural treasure. Its unique charm not only makes Chinese yearn, but also attracts overseas tourists. With the theme of "traveling in Yantai and learning Chinese", this lesson will lead you to enjoy the scenery of Yantai through a video and taste the Chinese culture with Yantai characteristics such as paper cutting and Jiaodong Yangko. It will give a practical dialogue as an example to show how to communicate with Chinese while traveling.

烟台,一座位于中国东部的海滨城市,像一幅灵动的山水画卷, 又是一片厚重的人文宝地。其独特魅力不仅令国人向往,也吸引着海外游客。本课以“游烟台,学汉语”为主题,带领学员通过视频领略烟台风景,品味剪纸、胶东秧歌等具有烟台特色的中国文化,并以一段情境对话为例学习旅游汉语交际。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程