笔墨汉字——中国书法入门 - 江苏师范大学 - 2021年“云游中华 品味经典”——海外青少年语言文化线上冬令营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2021 “Virtual Tours to China and Enjoy the Chinese Classics” -- Overseas Teenagers Language and Culture Online Winter Camp

2021年“云游中华 品味经典”——海外青少年语言文化线上冬令营

Pen, Ink, and Chinese Characters–An Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course contains the development of Chinese characters, writing and aesthetic methods and of Chinese Calligraphy. Through these, students could learn the basics of Chinese handwriting and ink brush, so as to achieve the goal of being able to write simple Chinese characters. Then, students could experience and feel the unique charm of Chinese culture and the interesting Chinese spiritual world by calligraphy practice.


General Courses 通用课程