直播回放:语言课 - 西安外事学院 - 云游古城西安 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Visit the ancient City--Xi’an online


language class


Course Syllabus 课程章节


There are 14 themes in the language class, i.e. The History of Xi’an, Chinese Customs & Traditions, The History of Xi’an, Famous People in History, Music Appreciation, Chinese Traditional Festivals, Movies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sports, Social Media & Internet, Whether & Seasons, How to ask directions, Shopping Online, Food Culture, Hanfu - Traditional Chinese Costume Culture. Through these topics, students can learn the relevant knowledge of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, so as to have preliminary Chinese oral communication strategies and communication skills, and gradually shift the scope of application from classroom to daily life; be able to use Chinese to solve problems closely related to learning and daily life, have the ability to communicate with others on themes that are very familiar in everyday life.



General Courses 通用课程