云游服装博物馆 +云游秀水街服装市场 - 北京语言大学 - “服饰之美·东西各韵”—中欧服饰文化主题交流营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“The Charm of Costume in the Eyes of the East and the West” EU-China Costume Culture Exchange Camp


Virtual Tour to the Costume Museum+Virtual Tour in Xiushui Street Clothing Market

云游服装博物馆 +云游秀水街服装市场

Course Syllabus 课程章节


"Virtual Tour to the Costume Museum" — In this section, the students will be guided to virtually visit the costume museum, forming some kind of visual impact, so that they can enjoy the visual feast and simultaneously feel extensive and profound traditional costume culture. Virtual Tour in Xiushui Street Clothing Market — In this session, we'll lead students to take a virtual tour in Xiushui Street Clothing Market to have a look at the fashion scene in reality today.

云游服装博物馆 — 这一节,带领学员云参观服装博物馆,形成一种视觉冲击,使大家在享受视觉盛宴的同时,感受传统服饰文化的博大精深。

云游秀水街服装市场 —这一节,带领学员云游北京秀水街服装市场,一睹今天现实中的服装盛景。

General Courses 通用课程