云游中国科技馆 - 北京语言大学 - 新技术、新思维——中国传统文化的现代传播 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

New Forms, New Thinking: Contemporary Expression of Traditional Chinese Culture


Tour of China Science and Technology Museum


Course Syllabus 课程章节


China Science and Technology Museum (CSTM) is the only national comprehensive science and technology museum in China. With science education as its main function, CSTM shows scientific principles and technology applications through a combination of scientific, knowledgeable and interactive exhibits; participatory, experiential and educational activities, encourages exploration and practice, and not only popularizes scientific knowledge, but also focuses on spreading scientific ideas, methods and spirit. It allows visitors to deepen their understanding and appreciation of science and technology through hands-on participation, and stimulates interest and curiosity in science.


General Courses 通用课程