寻访:福建渔女服饰 - 黎明职业大学 - 2021年汉语桥线上体验营 · 世界遗产在泉州 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2021 Chinese Bridge Online Camp·World Heritage in Quanzhou

2021年汉语桥线上体验营 · 世界遗产在泉州

Seek: Fujian Fisherwomen’s Costumes


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This course explores Xunbu Women's Wear and Hui'an Women's Wear, two of the three representative fisherwomen’s costumes in Fujian. As a symbol of Quanzhou marine culture, the two costumes not only reflect rich features of regional culture, but also epitomize traditional aesthetics, religions, philosophy and customs of the coastal residents over the centuries. An introduction on the costumes' styles, materials, colors and technical features plus a research on their distinctive head-wears work to make more people aware of the clothing features of fisherwomen along the coast of southeast China. Meanwhile, it helps to enrich the connotation of intangible folk culture on traditional Hokkien costumes.


General Courses 通用课程