东湖站 - 华中师范大学 - 华中师范大学2021年“汉语桥”线上团组项目“印象中国·英雄武汉”系列课程 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

2021 “Chinese Bridge” Online Winter Camp Project in Central China Normal University “Heroic Wuhan·Impression of China” series courses


East Lake Station


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Great rivers and lakes are great Wuhan. Wuhan takes the Yangtze River as the belt and the East Lake as the heart. Wuhan East Lake is the second largest city lake in China. As a national 5A scenic spot, it receives millions of tourists every year. At present, the four scenic spots of Tingtao, Moshan, Luoyan and Chuidi are open to the outside world. The scenery of lakes and mountains changes step by step, showing the beauty of nature and ecology. East Lake Greenway, a new card of Wuhan City, connects many scenic spots and scenic spots of East Lake. It is the most popular sports and leisure scenic spot in Wuhan and the most beautiful landscape stadium that has hosted many international and domestic events. People walk, ride and jog on the greenway. The forest and wild scenery follow along all the way and enjoy the joy of mountains and rivers. Now, let's visit the East Lake, see the beautiful scenery, experience the natural scenery and enjoy the green life.


Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程