中国画 - 山东师范大学 - 跟着木兰学中文——罗马尼亚匈牙利少儿汉语语言学习项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Learn Chinese with Mulan”Winter Camp Course


Traditional Chinese painting


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Chinese painting is a unique form of traditional painting in China and an important part of Chinese culture. This class to choose between the two countries popular favorite panda and bamboo has a rich cultural meaning as painting subject matter of this course, through the way of cultural experience, let the students in the use of ink painting panda and bamboo learn basic techniques of Chinese painting at the same time, make the students feel the unique charm of Chinese paintings at the same time in the harvest of knowledge. Through learning this course, students can master the basic techniques of Chinese painting, and be able to draw a panda freehand painting with ink and brush, and experience the charm of Chinese painting.


General Courses 通用课程