中国民间手工艺术—剪纸 - 辽宁师范大学 - 辽宁师范大学“汉语桥”中俄青年双向交流线上团组项目 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Liaoning Normal University “Chinese bridge” China-Russia Youth Two-way Communication Online Program


Chinese Folk Handicraft Art -- Paper-cutting


Course Syllabus 课程章节


Paper-cutting is one of the oldest Chinese folk arts, and as a kind of hollow art, it can give people a visual sense of transparency and artistic enjoyment. Paper-cutting means that one uses scissors to cut paper into a variety of patterns, such as window flowers, door paper, wall flowers, ceiling flowers, lantern flowers and so on. During festivals or wedding celebrations, people will put the beautiful and bright paper cutouts on their windows, walls, doors and lanterns, and the festive atmosphere is thus more enhanced. Paper-cutting, as a carrier of primitive art, is interwoven into the social life of people of all ethnic groups and is an important part of various folklore activities. Its visual images and modeling formats are rich in cultural and historical information, and express the social awareness, moral concepts, practical experiences, life ideals and aesthetic interests of the general public, and have multiple social values such as cognition, edification, expression, lyric, entertainment and communication. This course focuses on the knowledge and making of paper cutting in Chinese folk handicrafts. While understanding and mastering the techniques of paper cutting, the students will also get a deeper understanding and experience of the long-standing and enduring charm of Chinese traditional culture.

剪纸艺术是最古老的中国民间艺术之一,作为一种镂空艺术,它能给人以视觉上以透空的感觉和艺术享受。剪纸用剪刀将纸剪成各种各样的图案,如窗花、门笺、墙花、顶棚花、灯花等。每逢过节或新婚喜庆,人们便将美丽鲜艳的剪纸贴在家中窗户、墙壁、门和灯笼上,节日的气氛也因此被烘托得更加热烈。 剪纸,作为一种原始艺术的载体,交融于各族人民的社会生活,是各种民俗活动的重要组成部分。其传承赓续的视觉形象和造型格式,蕴涵了丰富的文化历史信息,表达了广大民众的社会认识、道德观念、实践经验、生活理想和审美情趣,具有认知、教化、表意、抒情、娱乐、交往等多重社会价值。本次课程主要学习中国民间手工艺术中剪纸的相关知识和制作过程,在了解和掌握剪纸技法的同时,更能深入理解和感受中国传统文化源远流长、经久不衰的艺术魅力。

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