我笔画我心(上) - 鲁东大学 - “汉语桥”泰国学生线上文化学习团 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge” Online Chinese Culture Study Group for Thai Students


Chinese Painting


Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lecture introduces Chinese Painting, which is called “Guo Hua” in Chinese. Painting on special Chinese art papers or tough silk with brush, Chinese ink and colorful paints, Chinese Painting is a form of traditional Chinese art, presenting many subjects including people, landscapes, flowers and birds, etc.. Chinese paintings, showing understandings of Chinese toward the nature, philosophy, society and morality, can be regarded as epitome of Chinese culture, aesthetic thoughts and philosophical concepts. Chinese Painting is a significant part of Chinese culture. This lecture introduces basic knowledge and techniques of Chinese painting. The content includes the basic knowledge, painting tools, and demonstrate how to paint “freehand flowers”.

本课程是国画展示课。中国画简称“国画”,是中华民族传统绘画形式,用毛笔、墨和中国画颜料在特制的宣纸或绢上作画,题材主要有人物、山水、花鸟等。中国画充分体现了中国人对自然、哲学、社会、道德等方面的认识,是中国文化、美学思想、哲学观念的集中体现,是中国文化的重要组成部分。 本次课程讲授中国画的基本知识和绘画方法,内容包括中国画的基本知识和绘画工具,并重点示范讲解了“写意花卉”的绘画方法。

General Courses 通用课程