南拳北腿耀中华(下) - 鲁东大学 - “汉语桥”泰国学生线上文化学习团 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

“Chinese Bridge” Online Chinese Culture Study Group for Thai Students




Course Syllabus 课程章节


This lecture introduces Chinese Kungfu: Chinese boxing. Chinese Kungfu, or “Chinese Marshall Arts”, was originated in the primitive society in Ancient China, referring to the skills of defending and stopping fighting. There are many different varieties in Chinese Kungfu, with its spirits being integrated into national ethos. The spirits of Chinese Kungfu root in advocating morality. In this lecture, King Kong Baji Boxing will be introduced. In this kind of boxing, the punches are devastating and the motions are interlocking. By segmenting the motions, the teacher demonstrates the measurements of punching and tips of motions. During the demonstration, the teacher also explains the essence from Buddhism integrated into Chinese Kungfu, helping students to understand better about Chinese Kungfu.

本视频课程是中国武术-拳术课。中国武术,简称“国术”,是起源于中国原始社会,用以制止侵袭、停止战斗的技术。中国武术门派各异,而其精神内涵都润浸在中华民族精神中,对“道”的崇尚是其重要精神内核。 本次课程以金刚八极为范例进行课程教授。金刚八极拳发力刚猛暴烈,动作环环相扣。老师将动作分解,示范了发力方法和动作要领,在示范过程中讲述其中蕴涵的佛经要义,使得同学们在动作学习中体悟中国传统武术文化。

Course Syllabus


General Courses 通用课程