乐学少数民族传统体育 - 广西师范大学 - 云游桂林——精品实景汉语游学营 - 汉语桥团组在线体验平台

Excellent Chinese Language Online Camp-Cloud Travel to Guilin


A Learning of Traditional Sports of Chinese Ethnic Groups


Course Syllabus 课程章节


The course focuses on learning Chinese language knowledge of “demonstrative pronoun+ classifier”: “mei”, modal adverb: “zhen”, adverb of degree: “zui” and simple directional complement through learning traditional sports of Chinese ethnic groups.

本次课程在乐学少数民族传统体育的场景中,学习指示代词+量词:“每”、语气副词:“真”、 程度副词:“最”、简单趋向补语等汉语知识。

General Courses 通用课程