

山东省杂技团对《蹬人》节目的道具进行了革新,把“蹬”与“翻”很好地结合起来。 “五节人抽梁换柱”“单板蹬小翻360度转体”等展现出这个节目的高难度技巧。

The props used in Man Juggling were given a new twist, and combinations of standing, jumping, and flipping have been well-integrated. The most difficult parts are “Five People Exchanging Beams and Columns” and “360-degree Flip on a Single Board.”



Straw Hats is a blend of the essence of Chinese and Western culture based on the juggling of hats in an all-new internationalized interpretation of traditional skills. It is an exhibit of skills great, difficult, dangerous, and amazing that fit perfectly into the accompanying music.




Searching for the Ancient Tradition of Liuzi Opera

Liuzi opera, also known as xianzi, beidiaozi, kangwo, nü’erqiang, guniangqiang, and xiansuoqiang is one of China’s four major ancient forms of opera: Dongliu (Liuzi opera), Xibang, Nankun, and Beiyi. Liuzi opera evolved from the foundation of the liqu (folk songs) of the Song (960 – 1279) and Jin (1115 – 1234) dynasties and the beiqu xiansuo opera system of the Yuan (1271 – 1368) and Ming (1368 – 1644) dynasties. It thrived most during the middle of the Qing dynasty (1644 – 1911).



Liuzi opera is a form of qupaiti opera. The melody is performed with the sanxian, bamboo flute, and sheng, the three instruments being collectively known as the “three major components.” There are over 200 traditional operas and over 600 qupai melodies recorded from the past. The methods of singing include the bold, rugged beiqu (northern) style and the gentle, delicate nanxi (southern) style. The Shandong Liuzi Opera Troupe integrates aspects from different eras in bringing innovation and a new face to this ancient art form.


