美国亚利桑那大学孔子学院 Nouhoum William Samaké


(My Chinese Bridge Summer Camp Life)

你好,我的英文名字是Nouhoum,我没有中文名字。我是美国高中学生。我爱长春。如果你问我为什么我爱长春,因为.因为长春的景色充满绿色。长春的民族也很多。长春的人很友好。我们参观了的城市都很热闹。I have really enjoyed this trip and it has really helped me improve my Chinese. In addition helped me become a more worldly and well-rounded person by experiencing the religious buildings, marketplaces, and a Chinese host families house. As well, our Chinese classes and culture classes especially the singing class is a great learning tool for me to learn Chinese. 我们的老师们很好。We were able to learn more about average Chinese entertainment when going to a karaoke house which was really fun...

——美国亚利桑那大学孔子学院Nouhoum William Samaké